Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blood:Water Mission

Founded by the Grammy-winning band, Jars of Clay, Blood:Water Mission began because the members of the band were committed to funding a late stage AIDS hospice and through that process realized the link between living with HIV/AIDS and the need for clean water. As a result, Blood:Water Mission launched the 1000 Wells Project in 2005 as a nation-wide effort to raise enough money to provide clean water and sanitation to 1000 communities in sub-Saharan Africa based on the equation that $1 provides one African with clean water for an entire year.
Also their website is a graphic design paradise.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Strong Arguement from Vandana Shiva

An article by Dr Vandana Shiva, prominent physicist and environmental activist, in which she discusses the underlying causes of global poverty and why no amount of charity or donations from 1rst world nations or individuals is going to end the cycle of resource theft and destitution.

End Mountaintop Removal

Mountaintop removal coal mining, which essentially entails blasting off the top of a moutain with explosives to make the coal easier to reach, not creates one of the most toxic forms of energy, but it also destroys the communities that it occurs near, by poisoning their water, damaging their homes, and occasionally flooding entire valleys with sludge. I Love Mountains wants to spread the word about this destructive and violent practice that is continuously harming the lives of thousands of Americans!

Free Doc: Le Monde Selon Monsanto


Everybody loves to watch movies for free! Now you can learn something while you do it! A french documentary released in 2008, "The World According to Monsanto" shows us the how far the chemical corp has the US government in it's pocket and how its quest for profits is ruining ecosystems all over the globe and breaking the souls and bank accounts of farmers everywhere.



The delocator is a nifty, if not especially consequential, web tool. You type in your zip code, chose a certain kind of retail (Coffee, books, music, etc., and the website will tell you where there is a nearby, non-corporate purveyor of said product. A tool like this could be particularly helpful if you've just moved to a new area and are interested in supported true local business. Unfortunately, it's not the most comprehensive listing ever, so you may or may not get the cream of the local crop.

Millions Against Monsanto

The chemical corporate giant Monsanto is well known for ruling the agricultural world with an iron fist, through patent law suits aimed at small families and other scare tactics. Millions Against Monsanto is a grassroots organization trying to create awareness about the drastic damaging effects of the company's corporate practices. The website is packed with information that anybody who eats (so everybody) should know!



I suppose it all depends on your politics, but personally my faith in corporate owned national media only goes so far. There are tons of documented cases of special interest groups and governments intervening in the media. So how is one to know what's true and what's total BS? That's where SourceWatch comes in. Published by the Center for Media and Democracy, SourceWatch is a "collaborative specialized encyclopedia of the corporate front groups, PR teams, "experts," industry-friendly groups, and think tanks trying to influence public opinion on behalf of corporations or government agencies, highlighting key public policies they are trying to affect and providing ways to get involved." They also give you strategies on researching front groups and uncovering propaganda! Thanks!



Founded in 2001, Oceana is the largest international organization focused solely on ocean conservation. They have offices in North America, Central America, South America and Europe that house scientists, economists, lawyers and advocates, all collaborating on a set number of achievable initiatives intended to return the ocean to its former abundance. The website is very well laid out and engaging, making their platform and purpose immediately clear. It offers the usual spread of fact sheets, blogs, links, videos, photo galleries, as well as opportunities to participate in or donate to their worldwide projects.

Utne Reader


Billed as "the best of the alternative press" Utne reader's aim is to create conversation about anything and everything, from environmental news to economics, pop culture and literature. It's the perfect half step between the ignorant drivel that most popular magazines print and a full on topical journal. The website is like that of any other periodical, except you actually want to read the stories.



Since 1999, based out of Seattle, Grist Magazine has been trying to combine humor and environmental news. It seems like an oxymoron, but actually it's great. The stories are all on point and they really are funny! They even have a "Clarity-O-Meter" that draws the real meaning from breaking green stories. Just like any other magazine, their website is divided up into segments, like politics, food, living, and business, except their content is consistently edgy, provocative and relevant!

Sierra Club

The website is http://www.sierraclub.org/

Founded by famous environmentalist John Muir in 1892, the Sierra Club is the oldest grassroots organization in the US. The Sierra Club has hundreds of thousands of members in chapters located throughout the US. The website gives you information about the club's current initiatives and how they are taking action, links you to a number of affiliated blogs, and gives lots of info about nature oriented trips and outings that are available, both locally and internationally.